Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The kind of weather where they can't NOT play "Who'll Stop the Rain" on the radio

So, Margie (of Margie in the Morning - oh, did I mention Bob fixed my car radio? Or rather, discovered in what specific way it was not, in fact, broken?) says that the weather service says that this is not, in fact, the rainy season. I'm not sure by what measure it's not, but if that's the case, I wish someone would get the memo out to the local wildlife. We've had representatives of at least four different species (two insect, one reptile and one mammal) scoping out the prospective shelter of our home in the past week, and three of them are most unwelcome.

The gecko can stay.


Anonymous May 07, 2009 9:59 AM  

I'm glad to hear Bob is riding to the rescue reliably.

When does the rainy season start, then?

Have you heard of the wildfires in Santa Barbara, CA already? It's like it's August or September already, not May.

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