Friday, August 28, 2009

The ebb and flow of things

Today being an "ebb" sort of day, in the end.

So at work today I was suddenly and unexpectedly given a wireless mouse to try out and, if desired, to buy for what would have been a good price...but it works too erratically on my computer to bother with. Oh well.

And, as we were turning into our street after going to the store this afternoon, my neighbor stopped me to say that the Korean family that moved out of that house yesterday had some sort of contretemps in the new place and is moving back in tomorrow.

That's very much the way things tend to go here, and although we had given a lot of thought and conversation to the place, and we both agreed that it would be a great fit for us, it was still clear to me that it was all something that might work out.

And, it may yet; both the family that's moving back in (assuming they do) and the owner of the house know we're interested, so I trust we'll have another crack at it if things change again.

When I told the story to my other neighbor, she said she'd keep an eye on the house next door to hers - also 3 bedrooms and renting for about the same price. It turned over a couple of months ago, and she thinks the new renters may be tiring of the landlord stopping by every week to see if they've got the rent. As someone who will make it a point to have the rent on the first (well, the first or so...this is still Costa Rica after all), I don't see that being a problem.

So, we wait. Something will come together sooner or later.


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Added 6/12/06

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