There's this pair of parking lots on opposite sides of the street next to the gas station on the road into town, where they park big container trucks. Every so often, going through there, you'll have to wait half a minute or so while a truck is maneuvered into one or the other of the lots.
I know some people who are irked by it, but I don't mind. They do it pretty quickly, and if you turn to look as you go past, you'll be amazed at how closely they line those things up. I wouldn't be able to squeeze in between some of the closer ones, were I for some reason inclined to do so.
'Cept, when I came home today, traffic was being diverted a block below that point, a utility pole was seen to be at an exceedingly inappropriate angle, and San Rafael was without power for five or six hours.
I hate it when that happens!
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