Because Erin Said So
And because Dad is visually oriented
(The reason I haven't been posting pictures is because I don't yet have Internet access at home. Remember when Alex's computer crashed and burned, earlier this year? Well, that was from using a memory stick at an Internet cafe. So I'm not doing that. Plus my camera batteries had been discharged for a while. But that's easily addressed. Anyway, I can plug the camera card reader into the computer here at work, so here you go.)
That's a mighty purty car, ya got there.
And, the Purple Pillar of Pointlessness looks vurrah nice.
Into every life a little purple must fall...and it's a great thing.
So purple, it's royal.
So you don't especially care for my proposed name for the car? (The Great Grape.)
Have you (or any of your public) anything better to offer?????
I hereby propose a contest, now that we can see what we're dealing with.
The Great Grape!!!!! I love Dad's sense of humor! (And the grape doesn't fall far from the vine, I suspect.)
I nominate The Metropurple (meh - TRO - pur - pull)Mobile.
Not that there's anything wrong with The Great Grape, of course - but for it to be a contest, there must be at least two entries. ;)
And for the car name, I submit: The Purple People Eater.
Or some variation thereof.
And wow, that really is a pointless purple pillar. How very strange.
Erin - I actually had typed in Purple People Eater yesterday, and then for some reason decided to delete it. (You have excellent ideas...)
The Grape Escape
"The 'Rhoid?"
I don't know, it's just a suggestion...
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