Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Gauntlet: Thrown

Welcome, folks, to round two (or three? maybe it's three) of dueling researchers' week here at Coasting Richly.

Despite her lack of confrontational language (ain't it just like a pacifist...) Julie oh-so-casually provided a link to what I, yesterday, could not: a cartoon of the chicken and egg joke.

Now, it's not a New Yorker cartoon, so the game is not yet won, but I will acknowledge that it's 50% closer to it* than my offerings of yesterday.

So, in the interest of taking things farther than necessary, I will point out that the blogger at Julie's link does, in fact, name and link to her source; it's just that she does so in Portuguese.

Following that link, we find the same cartoon on the trilingual blog of a Portuguese man living in Finland. While he does not credit the source of the cartoon, he does include a link, and it is the material at that link that I offer to you as today's contribution to the topic.

A geneticist, a philosopher and a chicken farmer got together to establish, once and for all, which came first, the chicken or the egg.

Believe it or not, that's not the first line of another chicken and egg joke. It's the summary of a news article. There was an actual study involving a specialist in evolutionary genetics, an "expert in the philosophy of science," and a poultry farmer.

The study was sponsored by Disney and covered by CNN.

Welcome to the future, ladies and gentlemen; it may not always be pretty, but it is rarely dull.

* Where, again, it = a New Yorker cartoon representing the joke in the form we've all enjoyed here on Coasting Richly.


juliloquy March 28, 2007 2:56 PM  

Wait, was I supposed to be confrontational? Darn it, I always miss my cues.

Great follow up, finding the other links. You know, you and I should start a business researching trivial crap online. We seem to be making a good team. (Although, as you say, no final final results yet. In the cartoon we are looking for the egg was supposed to look pissed off, a point I was too hasty to notice yesterday.)

Anonymous April 01, 2007 8:50 PM  

Here's some bio-humor that will translate into any language world-wide, I guarantee it. It was supposed to be a bad example in a workplace diversity training, but got laughs from everyone and all agreed that it was the best part of the training.

Why can't men catch mad cow disease?

Because they're pigs!

Anonymous April 02, 2007 4:13 PM  

It is weird being referred to as a "portuguese man in Finland". Darn, I'll be 30 next June. The "trivial crap" was more to my liking :)

I am guilty as charged, I read the article rather interesting and looked for the cartoon I had seen days before somewhere else. Couldn't find the author, even if I tried...

Jennifer April 02, 2007 4:40 PM  

Hee! Hi Antonio!

I saw you in my stats this morning - glad you left a comment.

I took the "Portuguese man living in Finland" right from your About Me page, so you'll have to take issue with the author of that ;)

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