Saturday, March 17, 2007

Being Green

Julia came to me while she was getting ready for bed and declared that she had a 10-point list of grievances. When she began to enumerate them, I figured she'd never make it all the way to 10, especially when she lost her place between 5 and 6, asked me which number she had just done and, when I said I didn't know, decided it must have been 6. But not only did she list all 10, when she got to the end she thought for a minute and amended, "No, actually there are 12 reasons why I don't feel good tonight," then listed two additional issues.

She has always been the more carefree and upbeat of the two, but this past year she has also had these brief but concentrated bouts of 5 year old angst, where she is deeply troubled by her youth and inexperience. They don't last terribly long, but they are so profound.

Once she had aired her grievances, I sent her to finish getting ready for bed. As soon as she had completed her tasks she returned, eyes brimming, to report, "I can't remember the good times in my life." I reminded her of a few and she seems to be feeling better now.

I figured it was a good night to put on her favorite episode of the Muppets, where Kermit sings "It's Not Easy Being Green."


Love Bears All Things March 18, 2007 7:06 PM  

All that and she's only 5!

Jennifer March 19, 2007 5:14 AM  

"I can't remember the good times in my life."

She got me there. I couldn't help but emit the sympathy sound.

Anonymous March 19, 2007 9:54 AM  

Your understanding responses will keep the lines of communication open for all time. Keep up the great work!
PS-Is she precious or what?!

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