Prophetic, wasn't it?
No, reader in Rhode Island, it wasn't meant to be the finale of the whole blog.
In fact, it was the very day I mentioned to a friend that I really needed to keep posting every day, lest I stop posting altogether, that I decided to give myself permission not to post everyday.
And you see what happened.
It had gotten to the point where, more often than not, I was finding some random and trivial thing to post simply to keep up with the (self imposed) obligation of daily posting,when in fact I had nothing of substance (for even very generous definitions of "substance") to say, and the whole thing was really a chore.
So anyway.
I haven't abandoned it altogether, but I think it's clear that I'm over the Post Every Day Just For The Sake Of Doing So phenomenon.
Basically, I've switched over to Facebook for the day-to-day keeping in touch with people, remarking on the minutiae of life, and general online presence. It's not the same as blogging, but it's meeting the same needs. I'll post here if I have something more substantial to say, or photos to post.