Robin's first haircut
So I WAS going to wait and let Lisa give Robin herfirst haircut, but I couldn't. Yolanda's next door neighbor offered to cut Robin's hair because don't you know that when you cut it, it fills out so much better. Like kids' hair isn't always filling out. So I just said I'd rather do it myself and then didn't do it, but Alex wouldn't let it go, and then he started saying if I didn't do it he would cut it himself, and you just don't mess with a threat like that.
So I trimmed it a little a few weeks ago when she was asleep. There was like nothing to cut (which I had considered quite a good argument when I was saying let's not cut it). I wanted to let her bangs grow out and brush them to one side, but Alex didn't like that, so I combed everything to the front and trimmed the parts that got into her eyes.
Since it was already a lost battle, the other day I trimmed again to keep it out of her eyes some more and trimmed over her ears, which Alex had wanted me to do the first time. Her hair is still so thin that a lot of it doesn't even get down to the parts we're talking about, but it is starting to look a little neater because there are more hairs that are actually the same length as each other.
I got into watching Friends again and watched a couple of the tapes that I hadn't seen for a while. I wish I could see the new episodes, but it'll be fun to watch them with Lisa. But yesterday our VCR went bad again. Maybe it'll fix itself like it did last time. It's too bad because Robin really likes her videos and especially when she was sick I was putting them on for her every day.
There are three main pizza places in Heredia that deliver to Barva and now there are two little pizza places in Barva on the way to the video place. We tried them both and one of them was really thin and lame and the other one was better but took forever. But the other day I was really in the mood for the lame one. I mean, if you know that's what it's like, you can look forward to it, but if you're imagining Papa John's it's disappointing. And the cool thing was that I got to eat a whole pizza by myself. Alex was out and I was working at home. It made me feel like Joey.
Today I wanted another one but the place was closed so I had to go to the place that takes forever. But it was a lot faster so that was cool. Except I could only eat half of it and I was disappointed in myself :(
Our big computer died. I tried to fix a few things with help from the Informatica guy over the phone, but it just got worse and died. (But not because of what I did). It was a really bad time for it since I havethis 50-page translation due soon and Alex needs the computer every day too. So last Saturday we sent a guy to take it to a friend of Alex's who fixes computers. And today he called and said it was fixed and he was charging us $18. We are so psyched we're paying him $30. I hope it really is fixed. The laptop has been great, but it's getting pretty slow and it sometimes resets spontaneously, which I find worrisome.